Our philosophy: achieving the best for everyone.

We aim to meet the highest standards in everything we do – and we achieve this with passion, motivation and joy. We give our customers the best fruit and vegetable products; we provide our employees with modern, attractive jobs in a fair and varied environment; we offer our business partners innovative, growth-oriented and constantly improved projects – all while treating nature with respect. We always aim to improve by using all our resources sustainably and considerately. For the good of nature and mankind.

“In a competitive fruit juice market, our employees are the key to success for us as a family company.”

— Tino Mocken

VA DatenundFakten Teaser
Facts & figures
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Valensina GmbH   Luftaufnahme Werk Mönchengladbach, Abfüllung Valensina PET gekühlt, Handelsmarke, Fruchtsaft
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Nachhaltigkeit   unsere Verantwortung im Großen wie im Kleinen

Our responsibility

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Our most important partner is nature. We work to use resources responsibly and respect the needs of the environment.

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Valensina Mitarbeiter attraktive Leistungen als AG mobil Gruppe
What we offer as an employer
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Kooperationen Valensina GmbH
Our B2B services
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